is developed and edited by Kevin A. Kelly. This site and its database copyright © 2001-2024, Kevin A. Kelly (except for some BBC data which was supported by but is outdated since they stopped updating mid-2017).
| | | Stations in MI, USAWAUS | Berrien Springs, MI, USA | classical | (11 program listings) | station links: web site, schedule |
WBFH | Bloomfield Hills, MI, USA | free-form/student | | station links: web site, audio info |
WBLV | Twin Lake, MI, USA | news/classical/variety | (21 program listings) | station links: web site, schedule, audio info |
WCBN | Ann Arbor, MI, USA | free-form/student | | station links: web site |
WCMU | Mt. Pleasant, MI, USA | news/talk/variety | (83 program listings) | station links: web site, schedule |
WCMU 2 | Mt. Pleasant, MI, USA | classical | (27 program listings) | station links: web site, schedule |
WDBM | East Lansing, MI, USA | free-form/student | | station links: web site, schedule |
WDET | Detroit, MI, USA | news/talk/variety | (47 program listings) | station links: web site, schedule, audio info |
WEMU | Ypsilanti, MI, USA | jazz | (34 program listings) | station links: web site, schedule |
WGVU-AM | Kentwood, MI, USA | oldies | | station links: web site, audio info |
WGVU-FM | Allendale, MI, USA | news/classical/variety | (31 program listings) | station links: web site, schedule, audio info |
WHFR | Dearborn, MI, USA | free-form/student | | station links: web site, schedule |
WIAA | Interlochen, MI, USA | classical/variety | (27 program listings) | station links: web site, schedule |
WICA | Traverse City, MI, USA | news/talk/variety | (84 program listings) | station links: web site, schedule |
WJMD Kalamazoo | Kalamazoo, MI, USA | free-form/student | | station links: web site |
WKAR Classical | East Lansing, MI, USA | classical | (22 program listings) | station links: web site, schedule |
WKAR Folk | East Lansing, MI, USA | folk | (4 program listings) | station links: web site, schedule |
WKAR Jazz | East Lansing, MI, USA | jazz | (20 program listings) | station links: web site, schedule |
WKAR RRS | East Lansing, MI, USA | reading | (82 program listings) | station links: web site, schedule |
WKAR-AM | East Lansing, MI, USA | news/talk/variety | (94 program listings) | station links: web site, schedule |
WKAR-FM | East Lansing, MI, USA | classical | (36 program listings) | station links: web site, schedule |
WKDS | Kalamazoo, MI, USA | classical | (28 program listings) | station links: web site, schedule |
WMHW | Mt. Pleasant, MI, USA | adult alternative/student | | station links: web site, schedule |
WMHW 2 | Mt. Pleasant, MI, USA | r-and-b/student | | station links: web site, schedule |
WMTU | Houghton, MI, USA | free-form/student | | station links: web site, schedule |
WMUK | Kalamazoo, MI, USA | news/talk/variety | (70 program listings) | station links: web site, schedule |
WNMC | Traverse City, MI, USA | free-form/student | | station links: web site, schedule, audio info |
WNMU | Marquette, MI, USA | news/classical/variety | (57 program listings) | station links: web site, schedule |
WPRR | Clyde Township, MI, USA | talk/community | | station links: web site |
WRCJ | Detroit, MI, USA | classical/jazz | (21 program listings) | station links: web site, schedule |
WRHC | Three Oaks, MI, USA | variety/community | (1 program listing) | station links: web site, schedule |
WUMD Dearborn | Dearborn, MI, USA | free-form/student | | station links: web site |
WUOM | Ann Arbor, MI, USA | news/talk/variety | (83 program listings) | station links: web site, schedule |
WUPX | Marquette, MI, USA | free-form/student | | station links: web site |
WVAC | Adrian, MI, USA | free-form/student | | station links: web site |
WXOU | Auburn Hills, MI, USA | free-form/student | | station links: web site, schedule, audio info |
WYCE | Wyoming, MI, USA | adult alternative/free-form | (1 program listing) | station links: web site, schedule |