Saturday  9:09p EST  [change time zone] 
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Feedback, corrections is developed and edited by Kevin A. Kelly. This site and its database copyright © 2001-2024, Kevin A. Kelly (except for some BBC data which was supported by but is outdated since they stopped updating mid-2017).
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New York Public Radio

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Radio stations and audio streams

WNYC New Sounds [MP3][MP3][MP3][aac+]    (classical, Newark)       (i)  (2 listings)
WNYC New Standards [MP3][MP3][MP3][aac+]    (oldies, New York)       (i)  (23 listings)
WNYC Special/Holiday Standards [MP3][MP3][MP3][aac+]    (variety/seasonal, New York)       (i)  
WNYC-AM [MP3][MP3][aac+]    (news/talk/variety, New York)       (i)  (77 listings)
WNYC-FM [MP3][MP3][aac+]    (news/talk/classical, New York)       (i)  (80 listings)
WQXR [MP3][MP3][aac+]    (classical, Newark)       (i)  (27 listings)
WQXR Holiday [aac+]    (classical/seasonal, Newark)       (i)  
WQXR Operavore [MP3]    (classical, Newark)       (i)  (3 listings)

Programs and podcasts

Follow the (i) link next to any program for schedule listings and audio links.
10 Things That Scare Me (talk)   (i)  (podcast)
2 Dope Queens (talk)   (i)  (podcast)
A Piece of Work (culture/arts)   (i)  (podcast)
Adulting (talk)   (i)  (podcast)
Aftereffect (documentary)   (i)  (podcast)
All Ears with Terrance McKnight (classical music)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
All of It (talk)   (i)  (3 broadcasts+podcast)
American Fiasco (sports)   (i)  (podcast)
And the Winner Is (culture/arts)   (i)  (podcast)
Anthropocene Reviewed (talk)   (i)  (podcast)
Aria Code (classical music)   (i)  (podcast)
Being 12 (children's/youth)   (i)  (podcast)
Brian Lehrer (talk)   (i)  (2 broadcasts+podcast)
Caught (documentary)   (i)  (podcast)
Choral Mix (classical music)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
Christie Tracker (politics/issues)   (i)  (podcast)
Classical Music with Annie Bergen (classical music)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
Classical Music with Clayelle Dalferes (classical music)   (i)  (2 broadcasts)
Classical Music with David Garland (classical music)   (i)  (2 broadcasts)
Classical Music with Elliott Forrest (classical music)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
Classical Music with Jeff Spurgeon (classical music)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
Classical Music with Paul Cavalconte (classical music)   (i)  (2 broadcasts)
Classical Music with Terrance McKnight (classical music)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
Concerts from The Frick Collection (classical music)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
Dear Hank and John (talk)   (i)  (podcast)
Death, Sex, and Money (talk)   (i)  (podcast)
Digesting Politics (politics/issues)   (i)  (podcast)
Dolly Parton's America (country/bluegrass music)   (i)  (podcast)
Duplicast (culture/arts)   (i)  (podcast)
Empire Afterparty (culture/arts)   (i)  (podcast)
Feeling the Heat (ecology/garden/rural)   (i)  (podcast)
Fishko Files (culture/arts)   (i)  (podcast)
From the WQXR Archives (classical music)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
Great American Songs (older popular music)   (i)  (11 broadcasts)
Here's the Thing (culture/arts)   (i)  (1 broadcast+podcast)
Impeachment (politics/issues)   (i)  (podcast)
Late Night Whenever (talk)   (i)  (podcast)
Lies (funny)   (i)  (podcast)
Living Cancer (science/tech)   (i)  (podcast)
Micropolis (special interest)   (i)  (podcast)
Money Talking (business)   (i)  (3 broadcasts+podcast)
More Perfect (politics/issues)   (i)  (podcast)
Movies on the Radio (classical music)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
Nancy (special interest)   (i)  (podcast)
New Sounds (eclectic music)   (i)  (5 broadcasts+podcast)
New Standards (older popular music)   (i)  (7 broadcasts)
New Tech City (science/tech)   (i)  (podcast)
New Yorker Fiction (literature/drama)   (i)  (6 broadcasts+podcast)
New Yorker Out Loud (literature/drama)   (i)  (podcast)
New Yorker Poetry (literature/drama)   (i)  (podcast)
New Yorker Radio Hour (magazine)   (i)  (80 broadcasts+podcast)
Note to Self (science/tech)   (i)  (podcast)
Old School with David Garland (classical music)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
On the Media (media)   (i)  (195 broadcasts+podcast)
Only Human (science/tech)   (i)  (podcast)
Open Ears Project (classical music)   (i)  (podcast)
Orbiting Human Circus (talk)   (i)  (podcast)
Overnight Music (classical music)   (i)  (4 broadcasts)
Pickle (children's/youth)   (i)  (podcast)
Politics Brief (politics/issues)   (i)  (podcast)
Radio Rookies (documentary)   (i)  (podcast)
Radiolab (science/tech)   (i)  (255 broadcasts+podcast)
Reflections from the Keyboard (classical music)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
Rockwell Matters (culture/arts)   (i)  (podcast)
Scattered (documentary)   (i)  (podcast)
Science Friday (science/tech)   (i)  (154 broadcasts+podcast)
SciShow Tangents (science/tech)   (i)  (podcast)
Selected Shorts (stories)   (i)  (66 broadcasts+podcast)
Sooo Many White Guys (culture/arts)   (i)  (podcast)
Soundcheck (culture/arts)   (i)  (podcast)
Spinning on Air (eclectic music)   (i)  (podcast)
Spooked (stories)   (i)  (podcast)
Sporkful (food/home)   (i)  (podcast)
Stay Tuned with Preet (politics/issues)   (i)  (podcast)
The Realness (culture/arts)   (i)  (podcast)
The Stakes (documentary)   (i)  (podcast)
The Takeaway (news)   (i)  (podcast)
The Takeaway - Segments (news)   (i)  (podcast)
The Takeaway Politics (politics/issues)   (i)  (podcast)
There Goes the Neighborhood (documentary)   (i)  (podcast)
This Podcast Has Fleas (children's/youth)   (i)  (podcast)
Today, Explained (news)   (i)  (15 broadcasts)
Trump, Inc. (politics/issues)   (i)  (podcast)
Undiscovered (science/tech)   (i)  (podcast)
United States of Anxiety (politics/issues)   (i)  (2 broadcasts+podcast)
Werk It (special interest)   (i)  (podcast)
WNYC Local News (regional/local affairs)   (i)  (podcast)
WNYC's Documentary of the Week (documentary)   (i)  (podcast)